I have read time and time again how much the dolls would love to have rain her on Stardoll. So image my surprise as I happened upon a suite where it is actually raining.
There is so much detail in this scene, that it would be easy to get lost: the rain, the umbrella, the man about to lose his carriage and let us not forget the moon. But the thing that I love the most, is that the entire scene is reflected on the water that has pooled onto the ground. For a person who loves detail, this suite is a dream...
ladymariahGirl's suite
Did I forget to mention her outfit? Yes, so sorry... she is dressed to impress!
Just in case you missed it.. this entire scene is underwater. Is she at the bottom of the ocean? Is she in a very large fish bowl? How is she breathing? I don't know... really... But I do appreciate her work and talent. This is an amazing scene, which the photo does no justice to. You will have to visit her suite yourself, to experience the dynamics and full beauty of this suite.
doogieH's suite
This doll has to be the most beautiful mermaid I have ever seen. Where is her tail? :)
Image my surprise when I happened upon this suite. I would have not thought it possible, but I found another amazing underwater suite.
When you see this suite, it is obvious from the first glance that it is underwater. But this does not make it any less spectacular. What you begin to appreciate is how this doll has worked the entire architecture into supporting the display of her living aquarium. This suite is designed to give the viewer the maximum pleasure of all her underworld has to offer. Amazing...
AC-Viper's suite
Did you also notice how the doll is dressed to compliment the room, she leaves no detail to chance...
Who would not love to have a flat like this? Not only is the furniture A-1, but the design is not to be beat. But why stop there, let's add an element of surprise, of calm, of serenity. Let's add an indoor pool/lake. This suite is amazing in its complexity and design, but is made a one of a kind by adding the element of water.
ce8183's suite
This lovely doll has many talents, she is definitely worth a few visits..
I am always amazed at the creativity shown here on Stardoll. Just when you think you have seen it all, you visit another doll and are taken on an even wilder trip. So I thought it was time to share with you some...wow, is that water... did they really just do that suites...
At first glance, you may not see what sets this suite apart from so many other beautifully decorated suites. It is not the beautiful artwork, which the doll herself created, or the bright splash of color that you see in the lamps. But if you look closer, you will see that the color is also being mirrored on the walls. What is that, art or a statue? No, that is a seahorse... and why a seahorse??? Because this entire suite is underwater... Go ahead and say it... "Wow!"...
rim0305's suite
This talented lovely doll has created the most amazing suite and taken it to a new level...
Another wonderful place to shop... I love this display, especially the use of the railing as a place to hang her dresses. I don't think I have seen this done before, but I think it is a brilliant idea.
waterprinces's suite
This doll is not only talented, but very beautiful indeed.
If you were wondering where all of the pretty clothes come from, you need not look any further. The pretty clothes come from this suite. This is such a beautiful altier to work in and draw inspiration from.
Megirsa's suite
It is no wonder that this doll would choose to present her beautiful clothes in this manner. She is one of the best designers on Stardoll. So while you visit, you can do a little shopping too.
When I happened upon this display I thought, "How pretty...". And I think you will agree, it is just so very pretty. The dresses are amazing and the combinations are even more so. When you visit, you will find yourself in awe...
xXxDeliaxXx's suite
This doll seems to belong to this room... A perfect picture of elegance.
Have you ever wondered what the men of Stardoll do when new clothes come out? Well I often have, so when I happened upon this suite, I was pretty amazed.
What do they do? They make a closet/store to die for. I am not sure which it is, but I would love to spend a day or two in it either way.
paria10's suite
Did I mention that he is not looking to bad himself? Go and visit, you won't be disappointed.
Wow.. can you say it with me? Wow...
What a lovely boutique. I could picture myself spending hours here, trying on everything. I love the complex simplicity of this room. It looks so easy, but for those of us who have tried rooms like these, we know it is not. Perfection should always look attainable.
ktark's suite
This doll has attained perfection, while making it look easy.
I love this display, because it is so inviting. The dresses seem to be calling to you, "Take me, take me...". Everything is beautifully arranged and wonderfully presented.
blessilly's suite
The best part of this suite, is that you can take one of these lovely dresses home with you. This doll is not only creative in her presentation, she is also talented in her designs.
We all love to do it! But once we have done it, what do we do with it all? Shopping... Love it or hate it, it is one of the best aspects of Stardoll. So this week is dedicated to those dolls who have managed to display their clothes in the most amazing manner.
And because we all love to shop, I couldn't just stop with five suites.... I found seven...
When I first saw this closet I thought, hey it looks like my closet, okay my dream closet. I could only take one picture, but this room goes on and on. It is an absolute dream. I can't believe she could have a hard time finding anything.
f.iliz's suite
It is no wonder that this doll is always dressed to impress, she has created a closet where you can find everything.
This has been a really hard week... I could only pick 5 suites and there are just so many...
But I think you will agree with me that this last suite deserves the recognition that I am giving it. My favorite aspect of this room is the fireplace... I would love to have one of these in my home... It is all very cool and understated... so minimalistic... just divine...
green_sheepy's suite
The doll herself is just as cool and cutting edge as the suite... Trust me when I tell you it is worth the visit.
So, I will say it for you, "Wow!". What an amazing suite and what amazing talent. Where do I start? The plants growing up from the terrace, the beautiful almost hidden stairs, no..no... let's start with the really cute kitty scratching on the wall. Have fun exploring...
rojda32's suite
This suite is almost as beautiful as the doll herself... almost...
I love that this doll has filled her clean, perfectly structured lines, perfectly planned suite with so much colour. Against the grey and white, the yellow just seems to jump out at you. Not too much, but definitely enough to be noticed. Check out the painting, sheer genius...
Princess-Ida-o7's suite
One must also appreciate her suite style, it seems to complete the room...
I love everything about this suite, it is so very Italian. High gloss white cabinetry, complimented by black gloss accessories, so very European. With it's clean lines and strategically placed decorations, this is a suite that could easily be found in Elle Decor.
XFashion-LoverX's suite
There is even more to see when you visit this doll, so make sure to bring plenty of time with you on your trip.
Have you ever entered a suite and felt like you were entering into an architect's dream? Well I have!! Any architect will tell you that everything is possible, I believe them to be the biggest dreamers out there. Amazing lines, walls that appear to defy gravity, hidden elements every which way the head turns, yes this is what an architect's dream must be. And this doll is living the dream.
applead's suite
Such a talented doll and such a beautiful suite...