I took this picture so long ago... I could never seem to find the right topic under which to post it, until now.
This suite is beautiful on so many different levels. It takes you into so many different beautiful dreams. The dream of a far off land, of a romantic life, of a romantic career... Oh, how I would love love to visit this suite in RL. I would love to sit up all night and listen to the stories that this doll has to tell.
midnatts_ros's suite
She is an amazing doll, with an amazing talent.
Have you ever visited a suite and thought, I want to have a slumber party here? No, well then you must visit this doll! Everything about this suite screams "girly" and "pillow fight". It is so pretty and fluffy and soft...
K3nzia''s suite
I dare you not to want to have a slumber party in this suite... It is simply gorgeous!
What can I say... This is one of my most favorite dolls to visit. She has so much to share, so much to show and so much to give... Her suites are filled with love and detail. This suite is so rich in color, so lush with vegetation, and so enticing with its charm, I dare you not to want to take off your shoes an enjoy a Turkish coffee.
lemonee's suite
When you decide to visit this amazing doll, make sure you bring an abundant amount of time with you, you will need it. She is amazing!
Beauty can be so simple, can't it? I love this room! I love the lines! I love the colors, or lack there of! I love the proportions! This is a suite that can make you appreciate the saying, "Less is more".
jelinna's suite
This doll is not only very beautiful, but quite talented as well.
Please forgive my absence, I was on vacation and then needed to have time to catch up... But here I am again. And do you know why? Because I have been so inspired by the beauty I have seen, I knew it was time to share...
I found this amazing doll on the page of a good friend and was so intrigued by her doll that I had to visit. I was so happy to see that her beauty was matched by the creativity of her suite. This is an amazing suite! The use of gold, the double doors, the city in the background, everything telling you that you have arrived and that you have arrived in style!
PoshRaye's suite
I am so happy that I decided to pay her a visit, I left in awe...
If you love fashion, then you know who this is... Twiggy! She is a fashion icon, a trend setter and an inspiration from millions across the world.
Oh_Twiggy's suite
Hip, mod, totally cool... you are going to love visiting this doll.
The renaissance was an age of beauty and wonder, excess and debauchery, and extreme cruelty. The personalities from this era have captivated our curiosity and admiration for generations.
One of the most intriguing women, Marie Antoinette, lived and died during these times. She has been the focus of many books and movies. So it is only fitting that she should also be an inspiration on Stardoll.
marie.antoinete's suite
You will be amazed by the amount of detail this doll has poured into her tribute to this amazing woman. Her attention to detail and creative use of all that Stardoll has to offer is awe-inspiring. Well worth the visit.
Old world glamour, is this Elizabeth Taylor, Jane Russell, or Sophia Loren, it could be all of the them, none of them or a combination of all of them, whichever she is amazing. I loved this era, where you never left the house unfinished or under dressed. An era where being a woman in a woman's body was celebrated and revered.
XTheFearX's suite
This doll have perfected the art of celebrating this era. She is beautiful, talented and filled with creative inspiration.
Marilyn Monroe, Norma Jean, a candle in the wind... her legend will go on. I would have loved to known her.. so you have to love how this doll honored one of her more memorable moments.
Hollywood created a superstar and Stardoll has given those who love her a venue to keep her memory alive.
lucilleball231's suite
This doll does amazing work honoring so many, so make sure you take time on your visit to her, it is well worth it!
So dollies, I have found time during my lovely family vacation to update my blog.... before I left I asked around for ideas and I am happy to tell you, I think I have enough ideas to make it through the year, but if you have any ideas, please let me know...
This week we are honoring those who have taken time to honor others... tribute suites... I wish I had the time and creativity to do this. I am so happy that others do and I think you will be too..
Strawberry Shortcake, who did not love Strawberry Shortcake? I loved did and still do... so you can image how excited I was when I found this suite. My daughter was even more excited than me.. . Strawberry anyone?
giotaRocker's suite
This doll's creativity is only exceeded by her beauty.