I featured BeAFoxxLady in May as Amazing Print on Print #2. She is a doll with such an immense amount of talent, she not only show cases it in her art work, suite design items and decorating skills, she also designs amazing clothing.
If you have not visited Foxxy before, it is a must do now! I can't even begin to explain how excited I was to see who she would pick and why.
DrDiannPhD's suite
The first one she choose was DrDiannPhD, and here is what Foxxy had to say.
"BTW have you seen DrDiannPHD's latest suite? Wow! she is amazing! "
On the one hand I was overjoyed when I first paid her a visit. But then came the part where I had to pick which suite to feature. How do you pick just one of her suites? You really can't, but with all of them being so great, how could I go wrong. Thanks Foxxy!!
*** BeAFoxxyLady featured as Amazing Print on Print #2***second pick
XTheFearX's suite
Here is what Foxxy had to say:
"She is a friend of mine from Girlsense days. Her devotion to the Marilyn Monroe persona intertwined w/ her unique retro days of Hollywood is worth of a mention in your Amazing Suites!! I think she is a superb designer. A sweet person and more talented than I am in interior design...she will bowl you over w/ her elegance!"
You may remember XTheFearX from Amazing Tribute Suites #3. She is truly an amazing doll and has an amazing talent. I am so happy to be able to feature her suites again.
*** BeAFoxxyLady featured as Amazing Print on Print #2***third pick
MadRockaFox's suite
Here is what Foxxy had to say.
"Girl you have got to see MADROCKAFOX's Halloween suite! Wow!!!"
So what did I do? I ran over to see the suite. And what did I say? "Wow!" From the day I took the picture of her suite, to today, it has even gotten better. She is an amazing doll.
MadRockaFox was also featured in September as Amazing Tribute Suite #1.
*** BeAFoxxyLady featured as Amazing Print on Print #2***forth pick
notnoworlater's suite
Here is what Foxxy had to say.
"OMG!!!! OMG!!! Amazing!!! I just Lovvvvve this! Wow! Love what u did w/ the animated whale, the whole suite! Gotta borrow an idea or two for the future! Feature yourself and put yourself on MY list!!"
What can I say? I am honored that such a talented doll would find one of my suites worthy of being featured. It makes me so happy to know that all of my efforts don't go unnoticed. Thank you so much Foxxy!
So to finish up Foxxy's week, I decide to feature her current suite that she is presenting... I love this suite for so many different reasons. But I think another doll put it best, so I am just going to quote what she wrote, without her name...
"Enjoying the serenity of this room! Sometimes it is good to take time to enjoy the view. Thank you for your awesome creativity! 5/5 for you."
I think that sums it all up! Thank you so much Foxxy for helping to make my blog more interesting with your amazing picks.
I featured Rainseashell in May as Amazing Penthouse #5. This is a doll who is constantly updating her suites and making changes, so if you haven't been there in awhile, now is the time to see what she has been up to.
Rain has to be one of the sweetest dolls on SD, so I was really excited to see who she would choose and why.
Samantha_Suzie' suite
The first one she choose was Samantha_Suzie, and here is what Rain had to say.
"All of her suites are good, but I really like the bottom floor of her Yacht.
It is so realistic. The 3 dimensional work is great as well. That room makes me want to actually "be there". It is relaxing, inviting and creative."
After visiting this suite, I have to agree 100%
*** Rainseashell featured as Amazing Amazing Penthouse #5***second pick
lulu.hippie's suite
Here is what Rain had to say.
"For my second person I nominate my daughter, lulu.hippie. I think she does great work to be 13. Her rooms are beautiful, realistic and creative. She thinks of design ideas that I never could. She is so imaginative. Many of the younger girls just "throw" things into their suites, not lulu, she thinks about her designs. I would pick her Alpine Suite- Train Station, the Millionaire Manson, or her Loft."
I have to agree with Rain, she is amazing. I already had her on my radar to feature and she is only 13, Wow!
*** Rainseashell featured as Amazing Amazing Penthouse #5***third pick
BeaClassychic's Suite
Here is what Rain had to say.
"My last person is BeaClassychic. Where to start? She is so amazingly talented. I go to her rooms to get ideas! Not to mention, each time I visit her I find something new and unique in her suites. I love her beach scene. Left side(Main Suites) 2nd suite. The colors are so serene and inviting. I could sit there, read a book and feel so relaxed. The scene is very inviting. I imagine her having this room in real life. It fits her lovely personality."
If this doll seems familiar to you, it is because she was featured as Amazing Beach Villas #5. I am so happy that I now have the opportunity to feature her suites again, she is really very talented. I was unable to photograph the suite that Rain mentioned, it was locked, so I took a photo of another open suite.
As part of a new twist on my Blog, I have asked those dolls who've been featured in the past to tell me which suites and dolls inspire them.
In May of this year I featured Solyma77 as Amazing Millionaire Mansions #2. If you have not had a chance to visit her suites, I suggest you head over there right now, they are simply amazing!
So I was really interested to see which suites she would pick and I was not disappointed. I had never before visited these dolls, but once there I spent some time appreciating their talent.
baren90's suite
I think this suite speaks for itself, as do her others. Solyma77 did not tell me exactly why she chose this doll, but I really don't think words are necessary. Her talent speaks for itself.
*** Solyma77 featured as Amazing Millionaire Mansions #2*** second pick...
Alice_1254's suite
What can I say... clean lines, perfect proportions, creativity as far as the eye can see, amazing!
Again, I hope you spend some time viewing all of her suites, they are wonderful.
*** Solyma77 featured as Amazing Millionaire Mansions #2*** third pick...
Mery.-'s suite
This was the third and final doll that Solyma77 recommended. And again I say that my words would be superfluous. This is design at its' best.
I could see similarities in those suites chosen by Solyma77 and her own. All four dolls go through great pains to create life like rooms with minimalist design. One could be lead to believe that they were all architects, very talented architects.
Thank you so much Solyma77 for helping to support my blog and introducing us to these amazing dolls.
Yes.. I was paid another visit by an amazing doll. I would like to think it is because of this blog. :) But whatever the reason, I am so happy that she came. I love the simplicity of this image... she has managed to give me the chills with so little effort, I can actually count the number of items she has used. For me this is awesome staging...
Merima_Girl's suite
Does it get any better? It kind of reminds me of Alfred Hitchcock, it only take a little to get the maximum effect..
And yes it has happened again, but seeing as how I still have two spaces left on this week.. I thought you wouldn't mind if I told you about this suite.
I am not sure what brought this doll to my page, but I am so happy that she decided to visit. Once I saw her image, I knew I would have to return the favor and what a favor it was. Not only is this doll beautiful, but she has created some amazing images on her page. Her suites were as captivating as her doll.
moonlighthour's suite
This suite has a great deal of movement that the photo could not capture, so make sure to her a visit.
I know that I normally post only 5 suites.. but when you find amazing suites, you just have to post them.
So pull up a chair, have a nice cup of cauldron punch and listen to the wonderful stories I am sure this doll can tell. I love this season!
MadRockFox's Suite
Tell me how many hidden surprises you can find... I just love visiting this doll!
Wow! I will say it for you. Wow!
There are so many different things to see here, I just don't know where to begin. The story of star crossed lovers, it is a story that has been retold through the ages. We normally hear it or read it, but with this doll you can now see it. No words needed...
simoula_thea's suite
I just love the poetry that SD can become.. Well done!
Well, well.. what do we have here? A mad scientist who has found the formula to amazing fashion? I don't know... but I do love that I found him to visit.
GrecoItalian1's suite
All I can say is, "Very, very cool!".
I am not sure how I ended up at this doll. I can not retrace my steps.. maybe it was a listing, or a post that I had read somewhere or a broadcast. But however it was, I am so happy that it happened.
This is a doll who is constantly creating. There is so much effort put into giving us something to admire and enjoy. So if you end up here and find he looks a bit different, well that is just the price of admission.
kinkinyas's suite
I can not even image the amount of time that it took to create such an amazing scene. but I am ever so happy that he took the time!
This was not the first time that I had a chance to visit this doll... and it will not be the last either. He is simply stated, amazing!!!!
I have always loved his styling and his ability to make the mundane look special and out of this world. But when I saw this suite, I knew that I had to let you know about it. It is beautiful and eerily captivating... What happened here? What world have we entered into? Why do I not want to turn away and run?
iguana.night's suite
I really don't have to say anything else, do I?
As I looked around trying to find the next suites for my blog, I was happy to see so many dolls getting into the spirit of the season... So get ready to be amazed, in awe and maybe even a little scared...
This suite is not only beautiful, but it is very complex in it's composition. Is it a laboratory? Is it a dream? Is it someone's dream or someone's nightmare? It could be so many different things. But I think you will all agree, it is worth being seen.
Gunthilde's suite
Visting this doll is never a waste of time... she is simply amazing!