And yes it has happened again, but seeing as how I still have two spaces left on this week.. I thought you wouldn't mind if I told you about this suite.
I am not sure what brought this doll to my page, but I am so happy that she decided to visit. Once I saw her image, I knew I would have to return the favor and what a favor it was. Not only is this doll beautiful, but she has created some amazing images on her page. Her suites were as captivating as her doll.
moonlighthour's suite
This suite has a great deal of movement that the photo could not capture, so make sure to her a visit.
Moonlighthour said, "im very grateful, how nice you are, so wonderful to read :) but you are exaggerating !!!! :)))) and you chose my dark cozy attic ...thank you again i feel humble and grateful".